
Into the metaverse

Made-It Mansions - Based Studios will purchase a plot of Sandbox land where the Made-It Mansions will be built - just as the Most Based Chad decreed! Initially, the Made-It Mansions will be sold as NFTs for clout - but there are many more exciting developments to be revealed… Each Made-It Mansion will be available as a single NFT and holders are sure to be the talk of ChadLand. It is they who will have the power to invite and host all Chads who wish to hit up dope metaverse mansion parties. And nobody parties quite like Chads! Property titles will be publicly displayed on the doors of each Made-It Mansion, and can be traded at the owner’s leisure. Metaland Expansion As more and more Chads arrive in ChadLand, the project team will continue to acquire larger plots of Sandbox land to host bigger and bigger Based Chad gatherings. Chadapalooza 2023 is not a dream!

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